Boxers as Shorts. . . Hot or Not?

Courtesy of Quinn Burns Photography/model Erin Oberlies

Courtesy of Quinn Burns Photography/model Erin Oberlies

Written By: Makena Ruggia

Who would have ever thought wearing underwear as shorts would catch on? These flowy, checkered undergarments are beginning to gain headway in the fashion world, and we’re HERE FOR IT. Get ready to storm your local Target because these might just be a new staple in your loungewear arsenal. 

But where did this trend start? The 90s! This decade brought forth a lot of fashion dos and don’ts, from low rise to athleisure and yes, BOXERS. TLC, an R&B group popularized in the 90s, recalls in a W magazine interview their interest in boxer shorts. “We’d been wearing boxer shorts since the beginning,” remarked Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas, a member of the group, “we liked to be cute but also comfortable” (Emilia Petrarca, Their outfits in awards ceremonies were nothing short of fab, but their style informal settings featured only a little boxer action, seen below.

The trend as full shorts gained more headway, especially among teens, in certain pockets of the US in the 90s. My mom told me about how she used to rock loose, checkered boxers in her high school, and she introduced me to the trend as well! Now all my friends here see me wearing them, and I know I’ve inspired a few friends to take Target runs to pick them up. 

Today, you might see some female students wearing these around campus paired with a cozy sweatshirt, an athletic top, or even a loose t-shirt. The possibilities are endless for styling. You can always catch me styling them with a sweatshirt around my dorm because I will not wear anything else to lounge around my dorm that’s as comfortable as these boxer shorts. The loose design sits comfortably on the female frame just as well as the male, which is perfect for a day in or a day out. Stores like Target carry 5-packs of these in different colors and designs usually for around $20, just $4 per pair! I might be a little biased, but I think that’s a steal for the comfort and quality you get. 

After polling some students on campus about whether they’d seen the trend and if they liked the trend, 50% had seen the trend on campus, and 53.3% thought they were cool. With this close division, of course, we had to ask students why they voted the way they did. Here’s what some of them had to say. 

Out of the people who said they were cool, some of them remarked that “they look comfortable and affordable” and “they’re different” (anonymous). Some students had more to say. Freshman Erin Oberlies, who modeled in the cover photo, remarked that “they’re cute and kind of a lazy look”, so take it from her if you need more convincing! Freshman Heith Turner also commented that “they fit some outfits well” and Freshman Ella Kilgore added that “they’re easy to style.” She’s my roommate so obviously, she’s seen them firsthand! 

Out of the people who said they weren’t cool, some remarked that “they aren’t designed to be shorts” and “boxers are an undergarment” (anonymous), “underwear is not meant to be seen, that’s why they call it ‘under’ ‘wear’” (Cassandra Thomas), and “they’re pajamas!” (anonymous). These qualms make sense, and we totally understand that this trend is bold. Most trends are to gain popularity, and a lot of the fashion industry takes risks that aren’t always popular. Fashion is a mode of self-expression, and not everyone expresses themselves in the same way. 

We can certainly see both sides of the argument, and we know it won’t be popular with everyone. As we enter a season where loungewear is getting popular, if you like the idea, feel free to rock them around campus! 


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