Trends, history, and style guides can all be found here at the Business of Fashion blog. Our team of writers are dedicated to staying up to date on the fashion world and bringing you the news here first to read. Articles are published periodically.
The Gentrification of Thrift Shopping
I love thrifting just as much as the next person . . .
Weekly Club Spotlight: Business of Fashion Society
Although the Main Line and Madison Avenue may be more than 100 miles apart, a dynamic club at the University has worked diligently to make the fashion world seem a lot closer . . .
Villavogue: Dressing Like a Baddie for the Ballots
Voting: It’s a word defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “an expression of opinion or preference” . . .
Villavogue: Top Five Beauty Trends This Fall
For these past five months of quarantine, the thought of applying a full face of makeup may seem outlandish to most . . .
Villa-Vogue: Monochrome, but Make it Fashion
For years, wearing too much of one color in an outfit has been frowned upon in the fashion world, the goal being to wear complimenting colors but never of the same shade . . .
Villa-Vogue: An Easy Guide to Being Fashionable
College student creates an experience at their university that is incomparable to those of their peers . . .
Villa-Vogue: It’s Time to Rethink Fast Fashion
While surrounded by racks of identical sweaters and ripped jeans, you begin to fill the plastic bin at your feet . . .