What the Bleep do I Wear

Courtsey of Seventeen Magazine

Courtsey of Seventeen Magazine

Written By: Kaelin Trombly

Amongst the excitement of becoming a college student, there is always a wave of uncertainty as new high school graduates approach the unknown. After making the difficult decision of where to study, even more pressing questions start to unfold. What should I pack? What classes should I take? What do I even want to do with my life? While these are certainly important considerations, the most crucial thought looms over the heads of many: what the bleep do I wear?

As a Villanova student whose life revolves around all things fashion, my answer for you is simple: I don’t have one. I wish I could make life easier by providing a blueprint on what you should or should not wear as a college freshman, but such a blueprint does not exist. 

One of the most important takeaways from my freshman year experience at Villanova University was the realization that not everyone dresses the same, and that is totally okay. The common “preppy” stereotype that comes with going to a private university of which I was not equipped for was quickly debunked and my own personal style was solidified. Whether you wear Golden Gooses or beat up Converse, Lilly Pulitzer or Supreme, it really does not matter. 

As clichéd as it sounds, the best advice I can give is to stop paying attention to what your roommate or lab partner or club president is wearing and draw your focus to styling yourself in what makes you feel the most comfortable. You are no longer stuck in the incessant copy and paste era known as high school. Find your fashion inspiration, experiment with unique style choices, and develop your personal style. Everyone has their own and everyone’s is different. 

One of the most infamous dilemmas students run into when it comes to college fashion is the dressing up for class debate. I am confident that everyone has run into the question of whether they should squeeze into their tight fitted jeans or roll out of bed in pajamas for their 8 am class. And if anyone were to disagree with me on this I would confidently call them a liar- with the utmost respect of course. 

As many do, I came into my college experience with the impression that I would dress my best for class everyday. I mean, how else was I going to impress my TA or that cute guy I always made awkward eye contact with in Bartley? Kidding. I’m pretty sure that kind of thing only happens in movies because after day one I gave up on my “dressing to the nines to calc class” fantasy. I found myself picking out my outfits based on how I felt each morning. Feeling tired? Wear sweatpants. Feeling creative? Get creative with your outfit. I have friends who dress up for class because it keeps them motivated and I have others who dress down because they work better in comfort. In reality, there really is no debate. The decision on what to rock to class is all up to you, and no one else will pay any mind. 

While I can’t tell you exactly what to wear to class, there are a few basics that every college freshman should pack in their suitcase. Pajamas are a must. Throw in a few pairs of sweatpants and sweatshirts for those lazy days. Jeans are a staple for sure. Jackets are certainly helpful for the winter and bathrobes are a great addition for your ventures back from the showers. If you are a gym rat bring workout clothes, and if you aren’t leave them at home. While this list could go on and on, there is an essential that must be brought. A pair of shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. Enough said. 

As orientation is creeping around the corner and your college experience is about to begin, don’t sweat over your closet. Listen to yourself and what makes you comfortable. Find your personal style and stick with it. Pay no attention to what everyone else is wearing or doing because it does not matter. The answer is simple: Wear whatever the bleep you want. 


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